The Proponent proposes to construct and operate an onshore wind energy project with up to
16 wind turbines near the communities of Earltown, McCallum Settlement, and North River in
Colchester County, Nova Scotia (Drawing 2.1). The approximate center of the Project is
located at 45.543379° N, 63.280918° W.
The Project turbines will have a nominal nameplate capacity of between 5.2 megawatts
(MW) to 7.0 MW, which represents the range of turbine models being considered for the
Project. For the purposes of this EA’s noise and shadow flicker modelling, the Nordex N163
5.9 MW wind turbine generator was selected as it represents the general range of turbines
that are being considered for the Project. The turbine locations are shown on Drawing 2.2.
The Project also consists of access roads, an interconnecting transmission line, a substation,
an O&M building, and a switching station connection to the Nova Scotia Power (NS Power)
grid. The Project is being developed to support the production of Certified Green hydrogen
and ammonia in Nova Scotia. EverWind expects to enter into a “sleeved” power purchase
agreement which will enable its production facility in Point Tupper, Nova Scotia, to purchase
renewable energy from the Project.
The Project lies within two primary watersheds, including the Salmon/Debert Primary
Watershed (1DH) and the River John Primary Watershed (1DO). Watercourses within the
Study Area primarily drain south through the Salmon/Debert Primary Watershed, eventually
discharging to the Bay of Fundy. The northernmost stretches of the Study Area drain north
through the River John Primary Watershed, which ultimately discharges into the
Northumberland Strait. The Study Area consists primarily of Crown land, with several parcels
of private land. Lands are currently utilized primarily for forestry and recreational use.
Upon approval of the EA, construction activities are proposed to begin in the spring of 2024
and once constructed, the Project is expected to be operational for a minimum of 35 years