Ellershouse 3 Wind LP proposes to develop, construct, and operate the 66 MW Project located on
private land in the Municipality of West Hants, near the communities of Ellershouse and Hartville,
Nova Scotia (Drawing 2.1). The approximate center of the Project is located at 44.895753° N,
64.054422° W.
The Project will include up to 12 turbines generating up to 5.9 MW each (Drawing 2.2), access
roads, interconnecting transmission system, substation, connection to the Nova Scotia Power Inc.
(NS Power) grid, and the associated infrastructure for the aforementioned facilities.
The Project location was carefully selected due to excellent land and community partners, and
distance to existing electrical and civil infrastructure. The Project will interconnect to NS Power’s
transmission system through a direct line tap to the 138kV L-6051 transmission line, located
approximately 350 m from the proposed substation. The existing Ellershouse Wind Farm, which
consists of 10 operating wind turbines that are owned and operated by AREA, is located immediately
north of the proposed Project.
The Study Area1 consists entirely of private lands, which are currently utilized for forestry and
silviculture. Ellershouse 3 Wind LP has secured the land required for the Project through lease and
easement agreements on private properties owned and developed for forestry purposes.
Upon approval of the EA, construction activities are proposed to begin in 2024 and, once
constructed, the Project is expected to be operational in 2025 for a minimum of 25 years.